House Raises vs Extensions
Over the years, we often find ourselves living in homes that we have outgrown. An extension or house raise can be a good way of creating the desired space.
Renovations to Improve your Home
Top Renovations for your Home Homes eventually age and often require a renovation or two. This is often a good time to look at the rest of your home and see what else can be done to bring new life to the house. Whether it’s a small room...
Choosing your Floor
How to Choose the Right Floor for Your HomeFirstly, consider the following. It could be the difference in choosing carpet or timber. Budget Just like any part of your renovation, your budget will have a large influence on what materials you choose,...
Autumn Renovations
Cooler months mean it's time for Renovations!The cooler months are a great time to get some renovations done. The summer heat and humidity aren’t around anymore, so there are no excuses! Plus, getting the smaller renovations done before winter...
Bathroom Renovation Tips
Undergoing any renovation can be an exciting but daunting time, so it’s best to breakdown the process into stages.
New Year’s Resolutions
Tick off your new year’s resolutions while you renovate- two birds, one stone! Read some of our resolutions and ways to achieve them in 2020.
Preparing for your Renovation
Start your next Brisbane Renovation with m.ewaldBUILDING Starting a renovation can be a daunting task, however, preparing before you begin is a good way to grasp it all and be ready for when renovations begin! 1. Check the laws Are there...
Kitchen Renovations
It’s almost November, and those pre-Christmas renovations are in full swing, so if you’re hoping to squeeze in a small renovation, it might not be too late. The holiday season calls for lots of eating and socialising, and where better to do so than...
Spring Renovations- Decks
Spring is well and truly here, and soon enough summer will be in full swing! So now is the perfect time to get those small renovations underway. The team at m.ewaldBUILDING have extensive experience with decks and verandahs, in particular, ones...
New Guidelines Protecting Queenslanders
Last year a forum was opened to allow discussion as to what elements of a Queenslander-style home should be maintained when updates are being considered. This forum has been used to develop a set of principles for renovators to follow when they wish to update a Queenslander.